Post Tagged with: "Writers"

Precious correspondence from Australian feminist, writer and poet Mary Fullerton

Precious correspondence from Australian feminist, writer and poet Mary Fullerton

March 4, 2019

Arts & literature, Our stories:

Within the papers of a Victorian farmer from Beaconsfield, are a series of letters from his aunt, Mary Fullerton, an Australian author and a vocal member of the women’s suffrage movement.

H.G. Wells in Australia

H.G. Wells in Australia

November 20, 2018

Arts & literature, Such was life:

In January 1939, HG Wells visited Australia and raised the ire of the Australian Prime Minister Joseph Lyons. His visit was brief, controversial and created international news.

New literary podcast celebrates writers and writing

New literary podcast celebrates writers and writing

October 13, 2016


Recorded at the State Library, The Garret podcast celebrates writers and writing, interviewing leading authors to explore how they start, draft, complete and market their writing.