[Wimmera region], Image RWP/1855
In Victoria’s north-west lies the Mallee; a dry, hot region featuring sand dunes, salt bushes, shrubs and a ‘strange dwarf gum tree, Eucalyptus Dumosa, usually called Mallee.’ The Mallee trees usually grow close together, frequently not more than three or four feet apart, so that towards the top they intertwine, and can rise up like a wall. (The Mallee district of Victoria).
Millions of years ago the Mallee was covered by sea. When the seas receded it became a series of ridges and dunes (The Mallee pioneers of Hopetoun). Forty thousand years ago, Indigenous tribes inhabited the area living off various grass seeds, roots and berries. In the grasslands they could hunt dingoes, kangaroos, wallabies, emus and echidnas. (Murray–Mallee Country: Swan Hill and district, 1836-1986; p.1). It is thought that the name Mallee was derived from an Aboriginal word describing the scrub or thickets. (Victorian places)
[Mallee roller at work in the Swan Hill area, 1916], H99.128/47
Wimmera Mallee District, RWP/7196
Regular contact with Europeans began in 1846 and from 1850 white settlement of the district expanded rapidly. The tough land and climate certainly made an impression on Dr. Neumayer, a surveyor who recounted his experiences in 1864, ‘I can readily imagine why most people speak of this part of the country with a certain dread for there is actually no grass and no water to be found.’ (Victorian historical journal. vol. 38, issue 150, p. 175)
[Images taken during Royal Commission on Water Supply, 1936, Dethridge meter wheel and mountain tops], RWP/589
Over the years the land has endured its share of rural disasters, namely plagues (rabbits, mice, grass hoppers), drought and dust storms. (The Age, March 30, 1988 p. 11). Today its 100,000 occupants mainly reside in major towns like Mildura, Swan Hill and Kerang, but the Mallee is also dotted with smaller towns with delicious names such as Patchewollock, Cowangie, Boinka, Underbool, Piangil, Walpeup and Manangatang.
[Wimmera – Mallee District], RWP/1874
In 1995 the Library received a collection of photographs from the Rural Water Corporation which span the late nineteenth century to 1980. The thousands of images document Victoria’s water use and include many of the Mallee, which feature in this post.
[Water storage, bores and tanks], rwls/u429
[Mallee trip by the Minister of Lands], Image rwg/u991
15 Ton Truck Mallee Roots, H92.301/243
Great work, I loved reading this, especially because I was born in the Mallee, yes literally, I was born in a wheat paddock at a town called Chillingollah on a block of land called McKenzie’s in the county of Tatchera, while my dad was at the famous Chillingollah pub, my uncle checked on mum & to his surprise there we both were & my mum had tied my umbilical cord, & they took us in to Swan Hill & actually recorded my birth as Swan Hill. My mother was a Morren, & I was born on Morren Road Chillingollah on the 8th day of Febuary 1952
Wow, what a beginning to life! Thanks Graham.
Diggin the erosion & land management skills, looks like not much has changed in the last 100 + years…
Heaven forbid Graham. I hope mum was at least under a tree. February any time is hell in summer.
The mallee is certainly an interesting place. I fondly remember Underbool as a 8 year old. My father’s friend was the primary school principal up there. Paddy melons galore.
many thanks Graham Hickey,for your story.
Feel very humbled, Whilst your family must have
worked blxxdy hard for those roots, my gfather
‘crowed’ with delight if he managed to buy one for
his fire in melbourne
grew up in ultima
This brought back lots of memories of a mallee childhood spent in Ultima, especially the wonderfully ‘warm’ mallee root loungeroom fires during winter.
What a hard life.
Great article Paul. As a native of Sea Lake it made great reading.
Great! Thanks for reading John.
Gday john… Yep Sea Lake. Speed. Turriff.Nandaly all just about gone .i didn’t know a sole the last time I stopped in Sea Lake
I lived in the Mallee from 1944 until 1957 and went to Werrimull group school. If I remember correctly we were taught that the eucalypts mentioned were called whip stick mallee.
I grew up at Peebinga. Wouldnt have wanted to be any other place. Born at Pinnaroo.
Graham you had a memorable birth, more so for your mum – What a remarkable woman!
Did you happen to know any of the Shean family in Tempy? They had a pig farm. I’d like to contact Alan who would be in his 60’s now. Any assistance with either his or any of his brothers or sisters locations would be much appreciated. Alan studied engineering at RMIT in the early 70’s & moved to Tasmania for a while after before we lost touch. I owe him a long overdue apology.
Many thanks
I Grew Up in The Mallee Town Of Chillingollah! It was a great little Community at that Time! My Grandfather Thomas Robertson Morren Who Immigrated From Aberdeen in Scotland(& who I was Named after) Eventually Settled In This Town! After he first Owned Farming Land Near Nyah/Tyntynder Areas. They grew Wheat And other Cereal Crops And Grazed Sheep, Some Cows And Also Had At that Time A Team Of Horses . The Town now has only a Few Occupants and is Sad to see what has happened over the yrs!! But I have Great Memories Of Sunshine And Laughter And Schooldays there !