We live in a wonderful age when all of this….
can become just this!
Not to mention all of this……
becoming just this!!
Now don’t get me wrong, I love print and the book as much as the next person but that doesn’t stop me from also loving the whole online business and the sheer portability of knowledge and information. Some things do just work a whole lot better in this format, and this type of reference material goes to the very top of the list!
These two series have long been a fantastic way to get quality biographical and career information on a staggering number of contemporary performers and people working in the entertainment industry around the world, and to have their entire runs in full-text and keyword searchable is a splendid development; and just think of all the shelf space we’ll save for other lovely things! And if you’re a registered Victorian user of the Library you can access them from home as well, so what are you waiting for? Get online and find out Dolly Parton’s middle name immediately; and probably some other useful information as well.