Behind the curtain: the lives of Dolia and Rosa Ribush
Ask a librarian, Performing Arts, Theatre:
Dolia and Rosa Ribush arrived in Melbourne from Riga, Latvia in 1928. They played a pivotal role in the theatrical and cultural life of Australia.
Ask a librarian, Performing Arts, Theatre:
Dolia and Rosa Ribush arrived in Melbourne from Riga, Latvia in 1928. They played a pivotal role in the theatrical and cultural life of Australia.
Performing Arts, Photography, Theatre:
Happy or sad, straight-faced or bumbling, creepy or cute, there many different kinds of clown. Join us as we take a look at some of the lesser-known clowns in the State Library’s photo collection.
classical music, Film, Music, Musicals, Performing Arts, Popular music, Rare Books & Arts, Television:
New arrivals include this Autumn selection of popular, jazz, musical theatre, classical and film music on CD. Most are currently showcased on our wonderful listening posts in the Arts Reading… Read More ›
Film, Musicals, Performing Arts, Rare Books & Arts:
Some great new arrivals in Arts include classic Australian movies, timeless musical favourites, live rock concerts and opera hits on DVD and Blu-Ray. The Dish. (DVD) They’re a Weird Mob. (DVD)… Read More ›
Music, Performing Arts, Rare Books & Arts, Theatre:
The works of William Shakespeare remain so fresh, and so fundamental to our culture, a mere 400 years after his death.
Music, Performing Arts, Rare Books & Arts, Television, Theatre:
Some more great performances and documentaries courtesy of our video streaming services, not to mention a flashmob Choral Symphony to bring a tear to the eye.
Film, Performing Arts, Rare Books & Arts:
Sometimes the goings on behind the scenes are a whole lot more fascinating than what goes on out the front……
Music, Performing Arts, Popular music, Rare Books & Arts:
New DVDs arriving into the collection include releases in rock, opera, ballet, popular music, magic and documentary.