Arts & literature

A passion for adventure: Agatha Christie in Victoria

A passion for adventure: Agatha Christie in Victoria

January 13, 2025

Arts & literature:

In 1922 Agatha Christie accompanied her husband on an around the world tour to promote the British Empire Exhibition in 1924. On her travels, she spent 10 days in Victoria- find out what she thought…

A ghost story for Christmas

A ghost story for Christmas

December 23, 2024

Arts & literature, Our stories, Social life & customs, Victorian history:

Colonial Australians have always battled to bring British and European traditions to the Christmas season. Roast meat and gravy, puddings and finery can still be found at many Christmas events. What is less likely to be found is the curious tradition of the Christmas Eve ghost story.

Mary Fortune: pioneer of Australian detective stories

Mary Fortune: pioneer of Australian detective stories

October 15, 2024

Arts & literature, Ask a librarian, Victorian history:

Mary Fortune was the author of the longest running 19th-century crime fiction series published in a periodical and one of the earliest female crime writers in the world.

Houdini visits Australia

Houdini visits Australia

July 12, 2024

Arts & literature, Such was life:

Houdini remains one of the world’s most famous entertainers. He toured Australia in 1910, performing his feats of escapology in Melbourne and Sydney, diving into the Yarra handcuffed and chained, completing the first powered flight in Australia, and becoming embroiled in a dispute with world champion boxer Tommy Burns about the proprietorship of the milk can escape.

Fred Lowen, Dunera boy.

Fred Lowen, Dunera boy.

August 16, 2023

Arts & literature, Collection spotlights, Such was life, Uncategorized, Visual arts, War:

The Dunera internees – the Dunera Boys – made a significant contribution to Australian cultural life – Fred Lowen was one of these men, read on to learn some of his story, and see his evocative artworks.
Image: The potato peelers, H91.350/8

Modern dance individualism: the art of Sonia Revid

Modern dance individualism: the art of Sonia Revid

November 22, 2022

Arts & literature, Ask a librarian, Dance, Such was life, Victorian history:

In 1932 Latvian born Sonia Revid brought expressionist dance to Melbourne. In Berlin in 1921 Sonia had studied under Mary Wigman, but developed her own unique style. Her performances included spoken word and introduced Melbournians to modern interpretive dance. She opened a dance school and was a notable figure in the local art scene of the 1930s. Unfortunately she died in 1947 at age 45.

The Johnny Crow stories

The Johnny Crow stories

July 23, 2019

Arts & literature, Our stories:

In the early twentieth century, author Leslie Brooke developed new techniques that were to influence many in what became the Golden Age of Children’s books.

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King Arthur through the ages

May 3, 2019

Arts & literature, Musicals, Such was life:

King Arthur has a rich artistic and cultural legacy. Explore the rise and rise of Arthur, a king for the ages. 

Women changing the world, part three: Physical autonomy

Women changing the world, part three: Physical autonomy

March 28, 2019

Arts & literature, Our stories, Politics, Social life & customs:

In the third and final part of our exploration of works by women that have changed our world, we focus on women’s reproductive rights.

Women changing the world, part two: political equality

Women changing the world, part two: political equality

March 20, 2019

Arts & literature, Our stories, Politics, Social life & customs:

Campaigns to secure the right to vote for women helped progress women’s political equality. Discover the ground-breaking women leading the charge through the rare books in this ‘World of the book’ display.