As a part of the Outside-in Cinema screenings in Experimedia here at the Library, on Wednesday 14th July at 6:30pm, there will be a showing of Gonzo: the life and work of Dr Hunter S. Thompson. If you’d like to find out more about the life work of this brilliantly mad forerunner of the ‘new journalism’ movement before his ashes were fired out of a cannon in Aspen, Colorada, a search through the library’s collections will give you plenty to read up on.
Published three years after Hunter’s death, Outlaw journalist, found on the shelves in the Redmond Barry Reading room, gives a thorough unpacking of his life from early childhood delinquency to his proud addiction to politics later in life, and then onwards to the canon.
Though, in many respects, the Library’s extensive holdings of Rolling Stone magazine on the shelves in the Arts Reading Room are some of the best portals through which to peer into his mind, via the mad elaborate and insightful articles he published there-in throughout the 1970s and beyond.
For a more subjective take on the Thompson, The joke’s over, a book on the friendship between him and one of his most highly recognised creative partners, illustrator Ralph Steadman, gives an intimate look at their careers together and the ricketty yet deep friendship that grew for more than 30 years.
This book can be requested from your catalogue to be viewed anywhere in the Library, along with many other titles in our collection on this fascinating literary icon.