You didn’t think that we’d leave 2011 without something festive, did you?
Santa Claus: collection of Luca Sacchi by Luca Sacchi

Abrams, 2006
For all of you Santa-philes out there (we know who you are), this is the book for you! More Santa Claus collectibles than is generally considered healthy, or sane, along with festive recipes, verse, songs, etc., etc., etc.; I may need a little lie down. Ho, ho, ho……..
A Christmas gift [sound recording] by Yvonne Kenny

ABC, 1999
The gorgeous Yvonne Kenny, decked out like a Chritmas tree on the cover, sings a miscellany of traditional music including those wonderful Australian carols by William James; I remember belting those out in school! Registered users can listen to this via the Naxos Music Library, or you can request the CD on your next visit.
And something totally icky from our Picture Collection: (mind you the hair is rather David Beckhamish, don’t you think?)
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!