Cezanne’s other: the portraits of Hortense :by Susan Sidlauskas
Portraits of the Renaissance : by Nathalie Mandel
Constable’s clouds: paintings and cloud studies by john Constable : edited by Edward Morris
Art and freedom of speech: by Randall P. Bezanson
A history of Japanese art: from prehistory to the Taisho period: by Noritake Tsuda
Richard Wagner and his world: edited by Thomas S Grey
Cosima Wagner: the lady of Bayreuth: by Oliver Hilmes
Verdi and the French aesthetic : verse, stanza, and melody in nineteenth-century opera: by Andreas Giger
Newave!: the underground mini comix of the 1980s: edited by Michael Dower
Black blizzard: written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Tatsumi
Age of TV heroes : the live-action adventures of your favorite comic book characters: by Jason Hofius
Cinema at the periphery: edited by Dina Iordanova, et. al.
Twilight visions : surrealism and Paris: by Therese Lichtenstein
Disability aesthetics: by Tobin Siebers
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