Rare Books & Arts

Out of Ireland have we come: the arts in a century of change

Out of Ireland have we come: the arts in a century of change

March 18, 2016

Photography, Rare Books & Arts, Updates, Visual arts:

As the State Library celebrates the anniversary of the Easter Rising in Dublin, 1916, it seems appropriate to look at how Irish artists have transformed their culture over the course of a not uneventful century.

What do Bob Hope, Japanese gangsters and Patti Smith have in common?

What do Bob Hope, Japanese gangsters and Patti Smith have in common?

March 4, 2016

New books, Rare Books & Arts:

They are all here as popular culture rears just a few of its many heads, on the shelves and online…..

Elektra, 2014, 2000

New Sights and Sounds: Boheme & Bowie, Classics & Colleen, and lots more

February 18, 2016

Music, Rare Books & Arts:

Many great new arrivals for the New Year include latest releases and favourite titles in pop, rock, jazz, rhythm & blues, film soundtracks, opera, dance, classical and children’s songs.  They include baubles, bangles and beads… Read More ›

PBS Home Video, 2006

Warhol & Weiwei, together at last

February 5, 2016

Rare Books & Arts, Visual arts:

Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei, strange bedfellows? Maybe not……

Hard rock, hard roll: some deaths in the family

Hard rock, hard roll: some deaths in the family

January 22, 2016

Music, Rare Books & Arts:

Its been a tough start to the year with the loss of some truly iconic rock music figures.

Rowman & Littlefield, 2014

New ebooks in Arts for your epleasure

January 8, 2016

Rare Books & Arts:

The ebook shelves continue to grow, and even Elvis is getting in on the act.

A Christmas Listening List

A Christmas Listening List

December 24, 2015

Music, Rare Books & Arts:

Christmas always brings with it a wealth of seasonal music, and who could resist the Wiggles and Santa Claus?

An itsy bitsy teenie weenie slice of summer

An itsy bitsy teenie weenie slice of summer

December 11, 2015

Rare Books & Arts:

You don’t have to be outdoors to enjoy summer.

Just inside the cover: the miniature art of the bookplate

Just inside the cover: the miniature art of the bookplate

November 27, 2015

Rare Books & Arts, Visual arts:

Guest blogger and library volunteer Christine Bell shares her passion for bookplates and throws some light on the work she’s doing behind the scenes on some of our own collections.

Aztec Music, 2012

New Listening: Broadway to La Scala, Brandenburg to Oz.

November 13, 2015

Music, Rare Books & Arts:

Some great new CD arrivals in pop, rock, rhythm & blues, film soundtracks, musical theatre, classical music and opera; something for just about everyone.