Welcome to the Arts blog, brought to you by the staff of the Arts Library. This is where we will be focussing on a range of material relating to the arts, both here in Australia and from around the world. Art, music, film, theatre, television, the list goes on and on, and we’re looking forward to highlighting and discussing our collections and services with you.
And to get the ball rolling, “these are a few of my favourite things”, at the moment!
Vincent van Gogh, the letters: the complete illustrated and annotated edition

Thames and Hudson, 2009
This remarkable multi-volume set of van Gogh’s letters is now available on the browsing shelves in the Arts Reading Room, and is as much a visual feast as it is a moving exploration of the mind of one of the world’s most beloved artists.
Les Paladins by Jean Philippe Rameau on DVD

Opus Arte, 2005
One of my favourite composers, one of his loveliest works, one of the most astonishing productions I’ve ever seen.
‘I doubt anything more witty, more spectacular, more ravishingly sexy will be seen on the opera stage this year.’ Evening Standard (London)
You can request this through the Library’s catalogue and watch it in the Arts Reading Room
I Shall Destroy All the Civilized Planets

Fantagraphics Books
From the sublime to the…….sublime! Fletcher Hanks’ comic books from the late 1930s are so wildly off-the-wall that they make many superhero outings look somewhat mundane. Jungle Queen Fantomah, Super Wizard Stardust and mighty lumberjack Big Red McLane are just a few of the characters you’ll meet between these highly coloured pages. It’s on the browsing shelves in Arts, along with lots of other great material related to comics, manga and graphic art.
Rick Amor, by Gavin Fry
If you love the beautiful plein-air paintings of Melbourne’s waterfront by Rick Amor currently on display in our Cowen Gallery then you might be interested in following up the experience with this book on the artist by Gavin Fry. It’s available on the browsing shelves in Arts, and other material on the artist can be found by checking the Library’s catalogue.

Beagle Press, 2008