Online Collection Spotlight: Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:
Find out about the evolution of scientific knowledge with Gale’s Science Technology and Medicine database.
August 11, 2023
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:
Find out about the evolution of scientific knowledge with Gale’s Science Technology and Medicine database.
June 9, 2023
Ask a librarian, Our stories, Victorian history:
With the dominance of air travel in the twenty-first century, it’s easy to forget what a massive role ships, ports and piers played in the development and history of Melbourne. We look at the historic evolution of piers at the Port of Melbourne.
April 14, 2023
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:
Archives Unbound is a Gale electronic database made up of hundreds of resources, many previously unpublished, from the Middle Ages through to 20th century political history.
September 14, 2022
Ask a librarian, Victorian history:
The iconic Queen Victoria Market has been a central part of Melbourne life for 150 years. The Market’s social significance is a record of change and continuity in market activity over a long period
November 12, 2021
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:
Do you have a fondness for fondue, a preference for piroshki, a hankering for empanadas, or wish to savour strudel? Well, our Food and Drink in History database has these recipes and many, many more from many countries and many eras. The database explores the historical evolution of food and drink through the ages and through cultures across the world.
May 5, 2021
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories, Research tips:
After over a year of international travel restrictions and domestic border closures, many of us are longing for a holiday. State Library Victoria collections can take you to faraway places – and back in time – without leaving your home.
December 3, 2020
Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories, Research tips:
The sun is shining, time to get out in the garden! There are plenty of resources at State Library Victoria to help develop your green thumb.
January 2, 2019
Learn about the history of immigration in Australia, from the First Fleet and the Gold Rush to WWI and the White Australia policy.
July 5, 2017
There’s more to books about food than just recipes. They can touch on the histories of culture, travel and more from around the world. Our collections reflect this diversity.