Articles by: Carmen Quick

Researching your home

Researching your home

August 28, 2024

Collections, Family matters, Research guides, Research tips & tricks:

Are you interested in the history of you home? Or would you like to discover more about the home your ancestor lived in?

Unless it’s a well-known property, it’s unlikely you will find a detailed history but there are ways you can try and find details about the house and the occupants who lived in it.

In today’s blog, we will look at what resources can be used to research the history of your house.

How to trace your ancestor’s criminal past

How to trace your ancestor’s criminal past

August 29, 2022

Family matters, Research tips & tricks, Websites:

Welcome to National Family History Month! Each week of August we will publish a new family history blog to help you with your research. In this week’s blog we explore how to research your ancestor’s criminal past.

Researching your Irish rebels

Researching your Irish rebels

April 24, 2022

Family matters, Research tips & tricks:

This year marks 106 years since the events of the Irish Easter Rising. For those with ancestors involved in the Rising or subsequent events, there are a number of family history records that you can use to trace their activities.

Branching out with a special guest.

Branching out with a special guest.

October 16, 2019

Family matters, Training:

The Branching out online course is curated by the Family History Team from State Library Victoria (SLV), who guide participants through the processes involved in family history research. Participants learn… Read More ›

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Bookings open for online family history course

January 29, 2018

Family history events, Family matters, Training:

Interested in researching your Victorian family history? Why not try our online family history course Branching out.
Branching out introduces the basic principles of family history research, and looks at the key resources available for researching Victorian family history.

Index to Victorian births, deaths and marriages updated

Index to Victorian births, deaths and marriages updated

January 25, 2018

Family matters, Research tips & tricks, Websites:

We have some great news for family historians.

The Index to Victorian births, deaths and marriages has been updated and you can now search for marriages up to 1950! That’s 8 years of additional marriages!

Hoddinott family portrait, glass negative, c 1890–1910

New online family history course

September 19, 2017

Family history events, Family matters:

Interested in researching your Victorian family history? Why not try the Library’s new online family history course Branching out.

[Nurse in walking out outfit, Egypt] 
Accession no: H2011.36/48

No damned females! Exploring WW1 nursing records with Dr Kirsty Harris

October 22, 2015

Family History Feast 2015, Family matters:

“No damned female M.O.s in the A.I.F. My responsibilities are quite big enough with 1200 nurses” responded General Neville Howse to the suggestion that female doctors should be allowed to serve with the AIF.

Museum to memorial…

Museum to memorial…

April 24, 2015

Family matters, Research tips & tricks:

I’m very pleased to welcome guest blogger and fellow librarian, David Flegg. David is currently researching soldiers who are listed on the Public Library and Museum’s World War 1 honour board. Welcome David!

The Great Levante and his new magical extravaganza. Accession no: ALMA 94.2/115

Researching ancestors in the performing arts

December 1, 2014

Family matters, Research tips & tricks:

Whether your ancestor was an actor, circus performer, magician or opera singer, the State Library holds a number of resources that can help you research your performing ancestors in Australia.