Behind the curtain: the lives of Dolia and Rosa Ribush
Ask a librarian, Performing Arts, Theatre:
Dolia and Rosa Ribush arrived in Melbourne from Riga, Latvia in 1928. They played a pivotal role in the theatrical and cultural life of Australia.
Ask a librarian, Performing Arts, Theatre:
Dolia and Rosa Ribush arrived in Melbourne from Riga, Latvia in 1928. They played a pivotal role in the theatrical and cultural life of Australia.
Collections, Family matters, Research tips & tricks:
The years spent at school made up a significant period of our lives. In this blog, we explore the different resources you can use to research your ancestor’s education in Victoria.
Family matters, Research tips & tricks:
Welfare records can be a great tool for a family historian! This blog explores the welfare collections held at the State Library, including the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum, Melbourne Orphan Asylum, Gordon Homes for Boys and Girls and more