As part of the Library’s Vision 2020 redevelopment work, the Family History and Newspaper Reading Room will be closed from Friday 24 August to Thursday 20 September.
During this time, collection material, equipment and desks in these rooms will be unavailable. However online access to many resources will still be available.
For full details please see our research guide.
We will reopen in a beautiful new space next to the Redmond Barry Reading Room on Friday 21 September 2018.
This move is part of the Library’s Vision 2020 redevelopment project.
Moving a house by bullock team, Cressy. H87.52/124
Hi, I have been interested in family history for decades and always attend the family feast that SLV each year. Is there no family feast this year?
Regards Kerry
Hi Kerry
Thank you for your inquiry. It’s great to know there’s interest in Family History Feast!
This year we will not be hosting a Family History Feast. Due to our building redevelopment and changes in staffing, we’re not sure what our schedule will be in 2019, however we do hope to run it, or something similar next year.
When information becomes available, we’ll publicise it on the Family Matters blog. Kind regards Ann.