In November 2021 the Library hosted Virtual Writer-in-Residence Sue Dymoke as part of Melbourne UNESCO City of Literature’s innovative pilot program designed to unite writers across the world.
During her residency, Sue hosted one of our Gandel Storytelling Workshops all the way from Nottingham, England, and developed creative resources to inspire young writers. Sue published some insights and highlights from the session, and you can download her digital resource to explore yourself.
As part of her residency Sue also created the Found Works series; four new poems which are solely written in the language of the texts selected from the Library’s digital archive.
The poetry series draws inspiration from lost and found advertisements in early 19th century Melbourne newspapers, two Inn promotions published nearly two centuries apart, advertisements for sailings published in Melbourne’s oldest newspapers, and items for sale in 1846.
Read her poem ‘Flag-Staff’ below, and discover the rest of the series on her website.