Applications are now open for The R E Ross Trust Playwrights’ Script Development Awards 2013. The awards are open to Victorian-based playwrights and deliver a total of $30,000 to support the development of plays as works-in-progress.

Applicants are eligible to apply for a minimum of $3000 and maximum of $10,000 in prize money, which may be used to fund workshops or support further work with a director, dramaturge, script editor and/or actors. The plays should not have been previously produced.

The winners also have the opportunity for rehearsed readings at Flashpoint at the State Library of Victoria or fortyfivedownstairs, and one recipient may be invited to either showcase their play at PlayWriting Australia’s National Play Festival 2014 or receive a two-week PlayWriting Australia script development workshop.

The annual awards are administered by the State Library of Victoria. CEO and State Librarian, Sue Roberts, says these important awards are unique in Australia and have helped solidify Victoria’s reputation as a key creative hub: ‘Now in their eleventh year, the awards are an anticipated part of the Victorian playwriting calendar. As a rare chance for emerging and established playwrights to showcase their work, the awards fill a gap in the industry and provide a wonderful opportunity for playwrights to develop their craft.’

Entries close 5pm Friday 22 March 2013.
For information and entry forms:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 03 8664 7277

The R E Ross Trust is a perpetual charitable trust established in Victoria in 1970 by the will of the late Roy Everard Ross. Since its inception, The R E Ross Trust has distributed over $80 million in grants for charitable purposes in Victoria.
Flashpoint is a dynamic program of play script readings at the State Library of Victoria and fortyfivedownstairs that invites audiences to participate in the process of developing new theatre.

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