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There’s a huge variety of subjects and content types to discover, with a focus on Australasian content as well as voices from Indigenous and disability communities.
Read on for what’s new or visit our A-Z Databases page to access our full range of 350+ eresources.

Adam Matthew
- Food and Drink in History Explore the evolution of food cultures and traditions through cookbooks, advertising ephemera, government reports, films, and more. Key issues include agriculture, nutrition, and food production.
- Service Newspapers of World War Two (new module added) Discover digitised, full text newspapers covering the period of World War Two. Featuring over 200 titles from England, US, New Zealand and Australia which were produced for military and civilian units serving at home and abroad. Note that the Library’s subscription now includes content from both Modules I and II.
- Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda (new module added) View films from the communist world revealing war, history, current affairs, culture and society as seen through the socialist lens. Spanning most of the 20th century, the archive covers the USSR, Vietnam, China, Korea, much of Eastern Europe, the GDR, Britain and Cuba. Note that the Library’s subscription now includes content from Modules I, II and III.
Alexander Street Press
- Anthropology Online Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of published ethnographies, seminal texts, memoirs, contemporary studies and archival material covering human culture and behavior around the world.
- Australasian Literature Online Explore nearly 100,000 pages of fully cross-searchable literature from 1930s to the present from Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, with strong Indigenous and female representation. In-copyright fictional and poetry works are paired with author interviews, documentaries, scholarly writings, and other multimedia.
- Borders and Migration Studies Online Understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries. Covers environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe.
- Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement One person in seven experiences disability – discover the story of this community and its contributions through this addition to the scholarly record of periodicals, interviews, memoir and more from around the world.
- Ethnographic Video Online, Vol. III: Indigenous Voices Discover a comprehensive collection of documentaries, feature films and shorts made by and for indigenous people and communities.
- Ethnographic Video Online, Vols. I & II: Foundational Films Classic and contemporary video ethnographies, documentaries and shorts from every continent, introducing and contextualising hundreds of cultural groups and practices around the world.
- Human Rights Studies Online Study worldwide human rights violations and atrocity crimes of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Comprehensive primary and secondary materials provide historical context and analysis through video footage, images, reference works, government and NGO archives and documents.
- Underground and Independent Comics Access a collection of thousands of pages of Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels featuring major works from North America and Europe plus extensive coverage of the pre-Comics Code era horror, crime, romance, and war comics that fueled the backlash leading to one of the largest censorship campaigns in US history.
- IBISWorld Australia SME Industry Reports Find vital industry statistics and analysis for small-to-medium (SME) enterprises generating $10 million or less. Note that the State Library subscription covers Australian reports only. Downloads not available.
- A+ Education Connect with in-depth resources on teacher training, policy, curriculum and pedagogical developments. Created in partnership with Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Coverage: 1978-onwards (full text & indexed publications)
- AGIS Plus Text Search definitive legal research from Australasia and international jurisdictions. Coverage: 1975-onwards (full text and indexed publications)
- Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) Access over 40,000 public policy records including research reports, articles, papers, policies and other hard-to-find content from Australasian organisations.
- Informit Asia Collection Discover Asia: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Examine diverse research and analysis across business, technology, arts, history, health and more. Coverage: 1940-onwards (full text)
- Informit Business Collection Gain insight into local and international business ideas with a focus on Australasian content. Coverage: 1993-onwards (full text)
- Informit Engineering Collection Access technical articles, proceedings and reports on all aspects of engineering. Includes content from Engineers Australia (EA), Engineering New Zealand (ENZ) and other authoritative publishers. Coverage: 1973 – onwards (full text)
- Informit Families & Society Collection Keep up-to-date with comprehensive research on family wellbeing, child development, parenting, ageing and social policy. Coverage: 1976-onwards (full text)
- Informit Health Collection Search trustworthy content supporting evidence-based nursing, general, specialist and allied health. Coverage: 1977-onwards (full text)
- Informit Humanities & Social Sciences Collection Seek new insights into global challenges through articles related to the arts, communication, education, history, linguistics, politics and more. Coverage: 1940-onwards (full text)
- Informit Literature & Culture Collection Access Australian literary sources and magazines including Meanjin, Quadrant, Island, The Lifted Brow, Griffith Review, Southerly and more. Coverage: 1940-onwards (full text)
- Informit New Zealand Collection Delve into the rich history and emerging views on the political, cultural and social life of New Zealand (Aotearoa). Coverage: 1993-onwards (full text)
These new Informit collections join the previously available AUSPORT, Australian Public Affairs Full Text, and Informit Indigenous Collection. Use Informit Search to search across multiple collections at once, and Informit Data to browse specialised indexes.
- Naxos Spoken Word Library Access thousands of audiobooks from best sellers to classic fiction, the world’s greatest literature to best-loved children’s classics and a wide selection of non-fiction. The Naxos Spoken Word Library collection includes titles in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese.
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