Explore our latest database trials without leaving home (if your home is in Victoria). Simply log in with your Library member number or sign up for membership online to begin!
There’s a huge variety of subjects to discover in our databases with the latest additions focused on early published works from the British Isles and Europe, and a showcase of primary sources from the Second World War. These databases are currently being trialed by the State Library and we’d love your feedback.
Read on for what’s new or visit our A-Z Databases page to access our full range of 350+ eresources.
Early English books online
From literature to jurisprudence, travel writing to wellness sixteenth-century style, Early English books online offers the serious scholar or the casual browser access to over 125,000 works. These works from the British Isles and Europe comprise the definitive online collection of early English books, many of them full-text searchable. Browse by subject heading or dive into the ‘recommended resources’ column to find some unexpected gems.
Here you can find early imprints of Milton and Shakespeare as well as works on John Dee, the spiritual adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. Mathematical and scientific treatises sit alongside medical advice such as a recipe to treat blood noses which starts with moss grown on a dead-man’s skull (State Library Victoria does not endorse medical advice in our collections). Many of the works have full-text transcriptions making them easier to read and navigate. This is a treasure trove for the historian, scholar or family historian.
On trial until the 25th June.
World War Two studies
World War Two studies is a fitting addition to State Library Victoria’s already impressive collection of resources on the world wars. This database is comprised of primary sources including government and cabinet papers, diaries and log books. Explore the Special Operations sections to learn more about the fascinating world of spies and undercover agents, including lists of missing agents or individuals suspected of treason. There are a even a few documents referencing the famed New Zealand/Australian export, Nancy Wake.
You can also explore a digitised collection of over 100 Soviet hand-painted war posters, showing themes of valour, revenge for war crimes and the dependability of the Russian people. With the option to save resources for later viewing, downloadable PDFs and images and the ability to browse an entire module, World War Two studies offers a unique, first-hand look at the war years.
On trial until the 1 August.
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Will the immigrant arrival records be available online – like Ellis Island records?
Hi, I’ve referred this query to one of my colleagues who will be in touch with you directly about migrant records.
I¡¯m really glad I¡¯ve found this information.