People & professions

Performance pay for teachers: an old and new debate

Performance pay for teachers: an old and new debate

February 19, 2013

People & professions, Such was life:

Working conditions and rates of pay for Victorian teachers are often in the news, with a recent proposal to introduce performance based salaries being one of the most hotly debated… Read More ›

Fire fighting in Victoria

Fire fighting in Victoria

January 24, 2013

People & professions, Such was life:

The first fire in Melbourne, after European settlement, is believed to have occurred in Melbourne’s first gaol in 1838. The incident was later depicted in watercolour by WFE Liardet in 1875.

Victoria’s first state funeral

Victoria’s first state funeral

January 18, 2013

People & professions, Such was life:

One hundred and fifty years ago Melbourne came to a standstill for the funeral procession of Robert O’Hara Burke (1821-1861) and William John Wills (1834-1861).

Ned Kelly at the cinema

Ned Kelly at the cinema

December 29, 2012

People & professions, Such was life:

The world’s first feature film, The Story of the Kelly Gang, premiered at Melbourne’s Athenaeum Theatre on 26 December 1906, twenty-six years after Ned was hanged.

18 years old and in charge of the ship

18 years old and in charge of the ship

December 13, 2012

People & professions, Such was life:

The British barque Trafalgar docked at Williamstown on 16 December 1893 after a harrowing voyage. Several of the senior officers had died from fever on the journey, and the charge… Read More ›

Pioneer portraits

Pioneer portraits

December 11, 2012

People & professions, Such was life:

Born in London, Thomas Chuck came to Melbourne in 1863 and opened a photography studio in Royal Arcade, Collins Street.

Even in 1888 you needed a security ID photo!

Even in 1888 you needed a security ID photo!

November 28, 2012

People & professions, Such was life:

When the idea of celebrating a century of European settlement in Australia was first raised in 1886, Victoria volunteered to host an international exhibition of arts and industries. The resulting… Read More ›

The Biography Index

The Biography Index

October 18, 2012

People & professions, Such was life:

Have you been researching an elusive Victorian ancestor, only to get stuck when you try to find out more about their life? Are you looking for long-forgotten interviews with prominent… Read More ›