Post Tagged with: "Collection spotlight"

Discovering Sylvia Plath’s novel: The Bell Jar

Discovering Sylvia Plath’s novel: The Bell Jar

October 27, 2024

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Rare Books & Arts:

In honour of Sylvia Plath’s 92nd birthday, we explore the resources available at the Library for exploring the themes and context of Plath’s only published novel: The Bell Jar

Pro abortion march, May 1979, 1979. Photo by Lyn McLeavy. This work is in copyright; H2012.7/6

Online Collection Spotlight: Women’s Studies Archive

March 6, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

Where can I find first-hand accounts of bush nurses working during the 1956 Murray River floods? Who was the first lesbian rights organisation in the US and where can I find their newsletter? And does anyone have a good recipe for sheeps’ head pie anymore? If any of these questions have sparked your interest, the Women’s Studies Archive has got you covered!

Strange attractors: Australian science fiction at SLV 

Strange attractors: Australian science fiction at SLV 

August 18, 2022

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

Science fiction often focuses on the outward exploration of space and new worlds. In contrast, Australian science fiction writing is dominated by dystopic settings, featuring characters alienated from society. This blog post highlights some of the best Australian SF in the Library’s collection.