Post Tagged with: "Redmond Barry"

Redmond Barry statue in front of the State Library Victoria

Happy birthday to us: Redmond Barry and the Library

February 11, 2025

Ask a librarian, Our stories, Victorian history:

On 11 February our Library celebrates our 169th birthday. While based on the world’s great libraries, our Library was also a radical departure. Ours was a library with unrestricted access to anyone over 14, with every book available to view. The primary driver of the Library was Redmond Barry. While generally remembered as the judge at the Ned Kelly trial, Redmond Barry’s pioneering contribution to Melbourne’s cultural and educational heritage is unsurpassed

From the Travelling Library to the Internet: a Library beyond the building

From the Travelling Library to the Internet: a Library beyond the building

February 1, 2024

Ask a librarian, Victorian history:

Since our opening we have looked at ways to connect with people who cannot come to our building. This includes a Travelling Library, a Country Member Postal Service and a Lending Library

‘Believe me to be your fellow laborer and friend’: The friendship between Redmond Barry and Augustus Tulk

‘Believe me to be your fellow laborer and friend’: The friendship between Redmond Barry and Augustus Tulk

October 24, 2023

Ask a librarian, Victorian history:

Sir Redmond Barry and Augustus Tulk are significant figures in the story of our State Library, as the first President and Chief Librarian. But what was their relationship like? Their personal correspondence provides an insight.

Australian football: from rectangles to ovals

Australian football: from rectangles to ovals

September 22, 2023

Ask a librarian, Sport:

As we enter AFL Grand Final week it is a good opportunity to look at a key moment in the game’s development. Beginnings Football began being played in Melbourne in… Read More ›

Gas lighting in (Ian Potter) Queens Hall. Charles Nettleton

Let there be light

May 29, 2022

Ask a librarian:

Within months of our Library opening in 1856 gas lighting was installed to allow the Library to stay open in the evenings. However, there were some unforeseen problems, and the gas lights were later replaced by electricity.

‘Here for you’: a new original artwork

‘Here for you’: a new original artwork

February 20, 2019

Our stories:

The Library forecourt has been the backdrop for 163 years of social change. Now it is emblazoned with the faces of influential change-makers from Australia’s history.