Scan QR codes for results and records, see recent search suggestions and view up 50 results at a time with these new features recently added to the library catalogue.
The first thing you’ll notice is the catalogue looks a little different. Better contrasting fonts, buttons and background colours will help you navigate with your keyboard, hover with your mouse and select. There’s also a roomier feel to the drop-down filter menu with more accessible spacing between options.
QR codes
You can now generate QR codes from any catalogue page: search results, individual items and more. Search the catalogue then click on the QR code icon in the top right corner. This will generate an image of a QR code for you to copy, share or scan with your phone using its camera or a third-party app. Underneath the QR code is an option to copy the link as text.

How can you use this?
- Search the catalogue on your computer and continue it on your smartphone
- Capture a QR code to save individual item details
- Easily share search results with others
- Find a book using one of our catalogue PCs in the library (or ask a librarian), then scan the QR code to take the shelf location details with you. Note: we’ll still have pencil and paper for people without a smartphone.
Recent search suggestions
Start typing into the search box and you’ll see suggestions from your search history. After two characters the catalogue displays one suggestion with a ‘history’ icon; click on it to autofill and search.

It’s based on your most recent search, but if you’re signed into your library account it was also includes the closest match from your last 100 searches (including advanced) listed in My Favourites > Search History.
You can remove searches from your history and suggestions by clicking on the Account menu (top right corner), then Search History, and selecting the bin/delete icon next to the search term.

Pagination and results
Tired of clicking through endless pages of results? You can now set your default view to 10, 20 or 50 results per page. Page navigation has also shifted to appear underneath results.
This applies to the following pages:
- Simple and Advanced search results
- Journal search
- Database search
- Browse search
- Citation trail
- News articles search

Up and down arrows are still available to navigate through results when viewing full catalogue records.
Catalogue help
For more search tips click on HELP in the catalogue menu or visit our Introduction to the Library research guide.
You can also Ask a Librarian in person or on the phone while the library is open, and send us your question any time.