May 2012 marks our blog’s second birthday. Two years ago we began with our first post “Hello world!” More than 110 posts later we are celebrating our second birthday!

We looked forward to sharing the State Library’s window on the world of family history with you and we hope we have achieved this over the past two years with regular posts, a number of guest bloggers and a wide variety of genealogy and family history topics covered.

edward bennett photo birthdayEdward Bennett lighting candles on his 100th birthday cake. Mona Catherine McLeod, 1934.   State Library of Victoria  H18604    B52779

Comments about our posts are always welcome. In our third year we look forward to sharing more of the Library’s world of family history with you.


This article has 4 comments

  1. Congratulations, genealogy team on a wonderful resource and splendid blog.
    Happy 2nd Birthday, Family Matters!

  2. I was delighted to find this photo of my great grandfather Edward Bennett. I currently recording his family history
    Janne Blacker

  3. I have just found that the photographer is connected to my family. Is there any photos of her?
    Carmel Reynen

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