Explore our latest database trials and additions without leaving home (if your home is in Victoria). Log in with your Library member number or sign up for membership online to begin.

There’s a huge variety of subjects and content types to discover right now, with a focus on food, travel, world history, and female trailblazers.

Read on for what’s new or visit our A-Z Databases page to access our full range of 350+ eresources.

New to the Food and drink in history database

The Food and drink in history database covers the evolution of food and drink cultures and traditions through cookbooks, advertising ephemera, government reports, films, and more. Key issues include agriculture, nutrition, and food production.

There’s now even more to enjoy in the Food and drink in history database! Recently there have been 186 printed books and pamphlets – or roughly 40,000 images – added to the collection. These are mostly from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and in the languages of wine-producing countries, primarily French and German. Topics covered include the social history of drinking, wine-appreciation, wine-making, viticulture, the wine trade and laws relating to alcohol. Very useful indeed for anyone studying for their Masters of Wine qualification!

Visit our Food in Victoria research guide to find out more about some of these topics.

On trial this Autumn 2022

Our electronic resources (or eresources) are an important part of our online collections and include ebooks, ejournals and other databases. We are always trialling and expanding our eresources. We’re excited to share with you all the following eresources on trial. They are available on a temporary basis and we welcome your feedback.

Research source: Empire studies

Access Research source: Empire studies to discover first-hand perspectives on life in British colonies and insights on relationships between gender, empire, race and class. This collection includes British government and official records, personal papers and diaries, rare periodicals, and conference proceedings.

Not sure where to begin? This vast collection has been sorted into sub-collections and grouped under different focuses and themes, making it easier to browse. Each of these includes an editorial introduction to contextualise the documents chosen for that collection.

On trial only for SLV users from 16 March – 14 May 2022.

Travel writing, spectacle and world history

Do you keep a journal during your travels? Visit Travel writing, spectacle and world history to explore a wealth of travel records kept by nineteenth and twentieth century American women: travel logs, diaries, correspondence and other travel paraphernalia. Their first-hand accounts of major historical events offer snapshots of cities, cultures and customs from across the globe, including Australasia.

This Adam Matthew database includes six travellers as case studies, whose journeys can be charted using an interactive map (visit the ‘maps’ tab pictured below). Trace the rise of modern tourism and the travel industry through the lens of individual travel experiences.

On trial only for SLV users from 16 March – 14 May 2022.

Women’s studies archive: Female forerunners worldwide

Research and celebrate women trailblazers with the Women’s studies archive: Female forerunners worldwide database. Featuring both individuals and organisations, this database surfaces stories of their impact on society in areas of legal and social reform, politics, popular culture, healthcare, and more. Although the collection does focus primarily on the US, Britain and Australia, there is some coverage of other regions including New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Philippines, Jamaica, Germany, India, Norway, Canada and China.

This module (Part IV) complements content available for State Library members in the Women’s studies archive.

On trial only for SLV users from 22 March – 31 May 2022.

Great suffragette demonstration in London, [ca. 1911]. Photo by Rose Stereograph Co. This item is out of copyright; H42581/52

East India Company

The East India Company database offers a unique and official archive of records covering all aspects of the British trade with, and government of, India from 1595 to 1947, under the East India Company itself and under the British Crown. This Adam Matthew Digital database contains a wealth of correspondence, trading diaries, meeting minutes, charters, and legislation, among other resources.

Start with a tour of the collection with the User’s Guide, or get a broad overview using the interactive Chronology and Data Visualisation features.

On trial only for SLV users from 14 April – 13 June 2022.

Sex and sexuality

Access the Sex and Sexuality database to witness changes in attitudes to human sexuality, gender and sexual behaviours in America and beyond, from the late-nineteenth century to the present day. Featuring a range of materials for exploration: from papers of leading sexologists, to LGBTQI+ personal histories.

Taken from the Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections, Module I is comprised of essential primary sources from the tenures of the first three Institute directors: Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, Dr. Paul Gebhard and Dr. June Reinisch.

Module II draws from archives in the US, UK and Australia, covering LGBTIQ+ personal histories, self-expression and community activism.

On trial only for SLV users from 14 April – 13 June 2022.

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