This morning’s Family History Feast sessions kicked off to a great start. Hazel Edwards was first cab off the rank with her presentation “Writing a non-boring family history”. Having read Hazel’s children’s books over the years, I was very much looking forward to this presentation and I was by no means disappointed.
So how does Hazel suggest we make our family history publications interesting? Hazel found that in her experience, many passionate historians forget that they are writing a publication for someone else. Ask yourself, why would a person want to read your book? Think about imaginative ways you might write your family history.
A sense of humour is extremely important! Use humourous anecdotes to pull your audience back in. Quirky is what appeals.
Go on an author expedition. Visit the place your ancestor lived. Contrast what life was like then and what it is like now. Use this information to shape your story.
The title and cover of your book is crucial. Be imaginative. People need to be hooked!
A great first session to get us warmed up for the day.