Ask a librarian

The people’s playground: Eastern Beach, Geelong

The people’s playground: Eastern Beach, Geelong

December 30, 2021

Ask a librarian, Victorian history:

Wander down to Geelong’s Eastern Beach on a hot day over summer and you’ll be greeted by a huge crowd of sun seekers.

Santa at McCallums Wangaratta, Victoria, 1970. Photo by Le Dawn Studios. This work is in copyright; H2006.100/1738

How to train your Santa

December 20, 2021

Ask a librarian, Victorian history:

Have you spotted Santa in a department store lately? There’s more to being Santa than you might think! Let’s take a look at the history of department store Santas and explore what they learn at Santa School.

It’s alive! The first illustrated representation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

It’s alive! The first illustrated representation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

December 17, 2021

Collection spotlights, New books, Our stories, Rare Books & Arts:

State Library Victoria recently acquired an 1832 printing of the third edition of Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein for its Rare Book Collection.

Collection Discovery

Collection Discovery

December 10, 2021

Ask a librarian, Research tips, Tips and tricks:

Introducing Collection Discovery, a new way of exploring curated collections of material digitised by the Library.


Online Collection Spotlight: National Geographic Archive

December 9, 2021

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

Which Australian animal has been described as “an impossible patchwork creature”?
Explore stories and pictures from around the world with our National Geographic archive.

Opening Doors for people with disability

Opening Doors for people with disability

December 3, 2021

Collection spotlights, Our stories:

Earlier this year, the Library acquired a photographic series which documents people living with disability, posed in their own home environment.

Journey through the collection: Ashton’s 19th century sketchbook

Journey through the collection: Ashton’s 19th century sketchbook

November 26, 2021

Collection spotlights, Victorian history, Visual arts:

A little sketchbook with a lot of stories. How did the newsworthy events of the 1880s go from pocket sketches to newspaper illustrations?

Australia’s own car

Australia’s own car

November 25, 2021

Ask a librarian, Our stories, Victorian history:

On 29 November, 1948, the first Holden motor car was unveiled at General Motors Holden (GMH). The launch of the Holden was a watershed moment for the nation: it represented the first time a motor vehicle had been wholly built in Australia.

The early days of television in Victoria

The early days of television in Victoria

November 19, 2021

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

A brief look at the preparation and early days of television broadcasting in Victoria, how ‘the box’ was made and became a part of everyday life.

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Online Collection Spotlight: Food and Drink in History

November 12, 2021

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:

Do you have a fondness for fondue, a preference for piroshki, a hankering for empanadas, or wish to savour strudel? Well, our Food and Drink in History database has these recipes and many, many more from many countries and many eras. The database explores the historical evolution of food and drink through the ages and through cultures across the world.