Ask a librarian

Catalogue upgrade: Introducing some new features

Catalogue upgrade: Introducing some new features

May 19, 2020

Ask a librarian, Research tips, Tips and tricks:

Save, share and export multiple results and search curated newspaper collections using new features recently added to the Library catalogue.  Save, share and export Found a collection of items in… Read More ›

The day the Sea Fury came to visit

The day the Sea Fury came to visit

May 18, 2020

Ask a librarian, Our stories, Victorian history:

It’s not every day that you see an aeroplane parked outside the Library, but this was the sight that greeted Victorians when they came to visit in 1953.

Greetings from the trenches: World War I postcards

Greetings from the trenches: World War I postcards

April 12, 2013

Collection spotlights, Such was life, War:

In 1916, Corporal Thomas O’Halloran sent dozens of embroidered souvenir postcards from the front lines in France to his father, wife and three children back home in Castlemaine.