For over a year, we’ve been providing free access to digitised copies of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s magazine for 1911-1954. Thanks to the Society, we’re now able to make Victorian Historical Magazine and Victorian Historical Journal issues from 1955 to 2012 available too. The journals are a fantastic source of information about people, places and events in Victoria’s history.
You can:
- browse journals by date, volume and issue, 1911-2012
- browse copies of printed journal indexes for 1911-1999
With articles on the gold in Victoria, the development of Melbourne’s Botanic Gardens, and the struggle for women’s suffrage, there’s plenty for Victorian history buffs to explore.
Katie Flack, Collections Coordinator
Australian History and Literature Team
Tags: Aboriginal Australians — biography — botanic gardens — churches — Education — elections — fashion — gold rush — goldfields — hotels — immigration — Jews — mining — settlers — squatters — stations (agriculture) — suffrage — theatres — voting — women — World War I
I have an old copy of The Victorian Historical newspaper, Vol.1, Issue 2. I have photographed copies of early Mornington from that paper. My maternal family are connected with Mornington from 1800’s. I am a member of the closed Facebook group “History of Mornington”. Is it o.k. to post the early photos.of Mornington on that site? Ruth MacLeod Mornington).
Hi Ruth, I have passed your query on to our reference librarians for an answer – they will be in touch via email. Cheers, Katie