Post Tagged with: "science"

Online Collection Spotlight: Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925

Online Collection Spotlight: Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925

August 11, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:

Find out about the evolution of scientific knowledge with Gale’s Science Technology and Medicine database.


Online Collection Spotlight: Oxford Reference Online

January 14, 2022

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

In Mozart’s opera ‘The marriage of Figaro’ who married Figaro?
The world at your fingertips! Explore the riches of the Oxford Reference Online collection.

Kermit reads a book about frogs

Online Collection Spotlight: Britannica Kids

September 27, 2021

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

What do frogs and salamanders have in common? What’s the largest coral reef on Earth? And who wrote the picture book, ‘Possum Magic’? The Britannica Kids online encyclopaedia doesn’t just offer answers to these questions.

The scientists and the cricket match

The scientists and the cricket match

January 5, 2021

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories, Victorian history:

In March 1874, Melbourne played host to an unusual cricket match, featuring some of the most pre-eminent marine biologists in the world.

Women in science at the Library

Women in science at the Library

February 11, 2019

Collection Care, Conservation, Our stories:

Believe it or not, science is a vital part of the State Library’s day-to-day operations. In the Library’s Preservation and Conservation department we celebrate 16 brilliant women of science.

Exploring galaxies and rare books for National Science Week

Exploring galaxies and rare books for National Science Week

August 14, 2017

Our stories:

From a first edition of Newton’s Principia Mathematica (1632) to the first Star Atlas ever produced (1729), the Library’s collection contains a number of early astronomical books.

M0014782 Nikola Tesla, with his equipment
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
Nikola Tesla, with his equipment for
producing high-frequency alternating currents.
Inscribed: 'To my illustrious friend Sir William Crookes of whom I always think and whose kind letters I never answer! Nikola Tesla June 17, 1901'
1901 Published:  - 

Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0

Nikola Tesla: the man who gave electricity to the world

July 10, 2017

Our stories:

Nikola Tesla was an electrical genius. He was a visionary who captured the imagination of engineers, entrepreneurs and the public with his futuristic concepts and vivid demonstrations of the power of electricity.

Fish named after men

Fish named after men

June 29, 2017

People & professions, Such was life:

Melbourne in the 1850s had a small but ambitious scientific community. One particularly idiosyncratic member of that community was William Blandowski, a man often at odds with the scientific establishment. He found himself embroiled in controversy with his choice of names for newly described Murray River fish.

Nobel women – Women of science

Nobel women – Women of science

October 22, 2015

Our stories:

Since 1901, Nobel prizes have been awarded 573 times to 900 people or organisations. Of these, there have only been 48 women Nobel Laureates. Those who have won the prizes in the field of science: Physics; Chemistry; or Physiology or Medicine number only 17.

National Science Week 2015

National Science Week 2015

August 18, 2015


This week our team are highlighting the vast range of scientific resources available at the Library. From the latest research and cutting edge journals, to rare books and historic pamphlets.