Collection spotlights

Online Collection Spotlight – Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books

Online Collection Spotlight – Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books

January 8, 2024

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

What did US President Kennedy enjoy for breakfast? How do I stop a nosebleed? What are some antidotes for poisoning? Find the answers using the database, Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books, a collection of books on cookery and domestic management.

Japan and Korea through an Australian lens

Japan and Korea through an Australian lens

December 18, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights:

Famous Victorian photographer George Rose (1851-1942) travelled to Korea and Japan in 1904, capturing rare scenes of everyday life in both countries. Dynamic and varied, his images bring alive scenes of people at the market, labourers at work, children, Japanese women in kimonos enjoying social activities, not to mention temples, local architecture and rural scenery. Join us for a fascinating glimpse into these lost worlds.

The Garden Gazette and more – new in our popular digitised collections

The Garden Gazette and more – new in our popular digitised collections

December 14, 2023

Collection spotlights, Social life & customs, Uncategorized:

Explore this collection of newly digitised gardening and horticulture periodicals of the early 20th century.

Collection Discovery is expanding

Collection Discovery is expanding

November 21, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Research tips, Tips and tricks:

We’re expanding the Collection Discovery module to include new categories and showcase many more of the Library’s fabulous digitised collections. So what are you waiting for? Begin a virtual wander through some of our artworks, photographs, posters, maps, and much more now!

Online Collection Spotlight: Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History

Online Collection Spotlight: Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History

November 15, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Social life & customs, Uncategorized:

What were the conditions like on the Trans-Siberian railway for women in the 1930s? Which American city was most like Melbourne in the 50s? And does anyone know what to wear to dinner when traveling first-class by ship? Learn about travel writing, but from a uniquely female perspective in the Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History database.

National Bird Week: Some of our birds

National Bird Week: Some of our birds

October 16, 2023

Collection spotlights:

On the eve of the Aussie Bird Count, explore some of the birds in our collections.

Fred Lowen, Dunera boy.

Fred Lowen, Dunera boy.

August 16, 2023

Arts & literature, Collection spotlights, Such was life, Uncategorized, Visual arts, War:

The Dunera internees – the Dunera Boys – made a significant contribution to Australian cultural life – Fred Lowen was one of these men, read on to learn some of his story, and see his evocative artworks.
Image: The potato peelers, H91.350/8

Online Collection Spotlight: Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925

Online Collection Spotlight: Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925

August 11, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:

Find out about the evolution of scientific knowledge with Gale’s Science Technology and Medicine database.

Rennie Ellis, 1987. H2011.130 1563

Online Collection Spotlight: Access Australia by NewsBank

July 8, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Research tips & tricks, Tips and tricks:

Are you looking for an article from the Coburg Leader in 2010? Want the week’s top stories read out to you while you prep dinner? How can you search for articles about affordable housing across many trusted Australian news sources all at once? For all these answers and more, read on to today’s online collection spotlight.

Trial databases at State Library Victoria

Trial databases at State Library Victoria

June 20, 2023

Ask a librarian, Collection spotlights, Our stories:

Explore the Library’s latest trial databases, which include early published works from the British Isles and Europe, and primary resources from the Second World War.