Export your search results or saved items to Excel and more easily limit your results with improved ‘sticky’ filters that persist between searches, two new features recently added to the Library catalogue.

Export to Excel

A spreadsheet can be invaluable for managing your research. It’s a simple and flexible way to categorise, manipulate and visualise collection information. Following the most recent upgrade to the Library catalogue, exporting your search results or saved items to Excel is easy.

Screen capture of how to export search results to Excel from the Library catalogue
Screen capture of how to export search results to Excel from the Library catalogue

First you need to select the records you would like to export. You can select multiple items (from one up to 50) from the search results page, or any number of your saved items in ‘My favourites’.

Next open ‘Save as’ actions and select the ‘Export to Excel’ icon. To do this look for the ellipses (…) – either in the search results black header, or beside ‘My favourites’ above your saved items. You can also export a single record from its full display – look for the ‘Export to Excel’ icon under the ‘Save as’ heading.

Once you’ve selected ‘Export to Excel’, choose your file type from the drop-down menu (xlsx or csv), and then select ‘Download’. Wait for a moment and your file will download to your computer.

Your downloaded file will include all of the fields in the full record display, including a permanent link to find and access the record again and links to any online items.

Sticky search filters

Search filters in the Library catalogue are now sticky. What does ‘sticky’ mean? Think of them as being ‘stuck’ to your search – you can lock filters so they continue to apply while you update and change your search terms. Having locked filters that persist throughout your search session makes it easier to progressively refine and improve your search. It can also save you time – if you regularly use the same filters, you won’t need to apply them again each time you enter a new keyword.

Screen capture of how to apply search filters to your results in the Library catalogue
Screen capture of how to apply search filters to your results in the Library catalogue

Search filters appear on the right-hand side of your results below ‘Refine results by’. You can activate a filter by clicking on it, or if you want to activate multiple filters use the check boxes and ‘Apply filters’ button. The red check boxes allow you to exclude groups of items from your search.

Once filters are applied they appear at the top of the list under ‘Active filters’. For each active filter there is a padlock icon. By clicking this you can select individual filters to lock and they will persist throughout your session. To lock all currently applied filters you can use ‘Remember all filters’.

To clear all your filters select ‘Reset all filters ’, or start a fresh search by clicking ‘New Search’ in the top menu bar.

For more search tips visit the help using our catalogue pages on the Library website.

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