You can use the Browse feature to find items based on a subject, author, title or call number.
The Related items feature helps you discover other material in the collection related to the current item you are browsing.
The Browse option in our new-look catalogue provides you with an online experience similar to wandering past the Library’s shelves and perusing the titles. You can access this feature by clicking the Browse button in the menu bar.
You have the option to browse by one of four elements:
- Subject: enter any subject term to find related books and other items.
- Author: find works by a given author by entering their surname followed by their firstname (eg garner helen).
- Title: browse items by the title, omitting any leading articles such as ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’.
- Call number: depending on the form of material, you can use the Browse by call number option to find:
- books, journals, maps, audio items, DVDs and other similar media – simply enter the Dewey Decimal number for the topic you wish to browse (eg ‘025.431’)
- theatre programs and music scores – browse by the name of the work (eg ‘Mikado’ or ‘Ramblin’)
- political ephemera – browse by the topic it relates to (eg ‘Vietnam War’ or ‘Refugees’) or the party name (eg ‘Australian Labor Party’, ‘Australian Greens’, ‘Liberal Party’)
- newspapers – some local newspapers can be found by browsing their place of publication (eg ‘Bairnsdale’)
- manuscripts – browse by the Box number (eg ‘BOX 985/1(b)’ or ‘FBOX 4620/4’).
Related items
Related items is a new feature that accompanies the detailed record view, adding depth to your search results.
If you are viewing an item in the catalogue that has a Dewey Decimal number or other classification included in the call number field, the record will include a Related items section. This operates in the same manner as the Call number browse described above, but in this instance it will display a selection of material related to the item currently being viewed.
As shown in the screenshot below, cover images will be displayed where available, and you can navigate through the list using the left or right arrows to view more items.